An Introduction to Fiji and Fiji
The Republic of the Fiji Islands is an archipelago
in the South Pacific Ocean consisting of 522 islets and 322 islands divided in
10 groups, with only 106 being inhabited. In July 2008 it had an estimated population
of 944,720 with the majority of the population concentrated on two islands, Viti
Levu (600 000) and Vanua Levu (130 000). Fiji was colonized by the British but
is independent since 1970.
The island of Viti Levu, is home of Suva, the national capital, and
is the largest of the islands with an area of 10,389 sq. km, about
the size of The Big Island in Hawaii. It has the highest mountain
of Fiji, Mount Tomanivi (Mount Victoria), rising at 4341 feet (1324
meters). The main industries are sugar cane, dairy and tourism. It
is also where lives the biggest insect on the planet, the Giant Fijian
Long-Horned Beetle, measuring 15 cm long! There are 2 National Parks,
Sigatoka Sand Dunes National Park, and Koroyanitu National Heritage
Park. In Suva, there's shopping, cinemas, restaurants, nightclubs,
markets and a museum.
Kava Root Powder

Botanical Name: Piper methysticum Common Names:
Kava, kawa, kavain, intoxicating long pepper, tonga, Common Uses:
Kava is typically made into a drink that is consumed primarily as a tranquilizer
to aid relaxation while purpotedly not affecting mental clarity. Qualities
& Properties: Anti-anxiety, analgesic, anticonvulsant
Yes you can buy kava in Canada or almost anywhere in
this wonderful world!
| Vanua
Levu, the second largest island, has an area of 5,587.1 sq. km. It is surrounded
by corals and has 2 mountains, Mount Batini (Nasorolevu), 1111 meters high, and,
Mount Dikeva (Thurston), 1030 meters high. Labasa is the biggest town with a movie
theater and many restaurants serving local and Chinese cuisine. Sugar cane is
the main industry along with tourism.
The 3 official languages are English,
Bau Fijian, and Hindi. In a 2007 census, Indo-Fijians were 313,798 accounting
for 37.6% of the total Fiji population. They are descendents from Indian laborers
that were hired by British Sugar Cane producers in the 19th Century. Most of them
are descendants of Bhojpuri-speaking Biharis.
In Fiji, kava is also called
grog or yaqona. In the ancient times, it was only drunk by Chiefs. It is now deeply
"rooted" in the culture and drunk mostly during the evening at family gatherings,
and during social and political events. There's always a good reason to drink
kava. In Fiji, kava is what held and still holds society together. It brings peace
and serenity. Although women are not seen drinking kava along with men, they do
drink kava with other women, usually in the kitchen. A woman visitor with no rank
will be allowed to drink with men, but she will drink last. Honored guests will
be served first.
varieties in Fiji: Matakaro, Damu, Loa kasa balavu, Qila leka,
Gona vula, Dokobana vula, Qila balavu, Dokobana loa, Vau leka, Matakaro balavu,
Vula kasa balavu, Gona Damu, Loa kasa leka, Kabra, Loa. Buy
Fiji Kava
Traditionally, young girls prepared the kava by chewing fresh
roots and then mixing the pulp with water. Today the roots are dried, and turned
into a powder. A designated person making the kava in a tanoa, massages the powder
into a cloth and then strains it. The person then claps his hands with cupped
hands to announce the kava is ready. In Fiji we clap in our hands before and after
It is not seen as an offense anymore to refuse to drink kava.
But why would you?
Botanicals have been in business for a long time. They offer an excellent
service. Their kava from Fiji is very potent and almost has no side effect. It
is very dark yet has a smooth taste. They have so many interesting products you
won’t know where to start. Start with the kava, and then add some other items
to your order. Buy yourself something special along with your kava… you deserve
words Bula: Health, life, hello Bilo:
Coconut shell to drink kava E dua na bilo: Try a cup (of kava,
of course!) Grog: kava Grog shop: A place where they sell
kava, open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week High Tide: Full bowl of kava
Low-tide: Half a bowl of kava Maca: said along the clapping
after a shell of kava is drunk meaning it is empty Na Koro: Village
Ni sa bula: Hello Ni sa moce: Goodnight, goodbye Ni
sa yadra : Good morning Sevu-sevu: Kava ceremony in a village by
its chief to welcome a new guest Talanoa: conversation, chat Tanoa:
A big wooden bowl with short legs to prepare kava Tovolea mada: Try
Please (try the kava!) Vinaka: Thank You Vinaka vaka-levu:
Thank you very much Yaqona: kava