The Kava Ritual
Our Personal Kava Rituals contributed
by Tripsister.com
We enjoy our kava routine. It is our new ritual.
We have a beautiful water garden with goldfishes and we go out to feed them twice
a day. The evening feeding is the perfect time for our kava. At 5:30 after a long
working day, we prepare our kava, and go sit outside with our precious and beloved
pet fishes. The kava puts our mind at ease and fills us with aloha. We are so
thankful for all we've got. We have a lush forest with vinegar trees, and it can
look pretty tropical when they are in bloom! The birds like the water garden and
they come to drink and bathe. We like to talk about our memories of Hawaii and
enjoy the warmth of the same sun!!
On this page you will find a collection
of our special moments while drinking kava. Some days are just like any other
day but then there are those special ones where you just feel like hitting "Pause"
and living the moment forever.
We'd love to hear from you! How do you
enjoy your Kava? Contact
us by email.
Thank God for kava!
(in Bromont, Qc, Canada) Kava Mahakea
(Hawaii) We are so grateful for kava. We would
like to thank life to enable us to drink kava everyday. The experience of kava
in summer is the best but with the arrival of winter and of a few overwhelming
events, kava warms our hearts and brings us back to life’s rhythm; the rhythm
of life that runs its course no matter what happens. Why put off tomorrow what
you can do today? Well, sometimes we have to know when to stop and tell ourselves
tomorrow is another day. We’re still hoping one day Health Canada will
enable us to buy kava in stores (in its natural form). Until then let’s be thankful
for being able to import kava for our personal consumption: you have found the
best place to get premium quality kava!
A Special Equation (in Bromont, Qc, Canada) Kava
Mahakea (Hawaii)
Today, during our ritual, we got caught by the rain.
It came fast. We weren't expecting it. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and
suddenly we had to run to the deck for cover. Blue sky + sun + rain = a good recipe
for a rainbow! We had the nicest rainbow we've seen since our ride from Mauna
Kea to Waimea on the Big Island in Hawaii!! Every time we have our Kava, we have
a revelation and something special happens.
Red Flower (in Bromont, Qc, Canada) Kava
Mahakea (Hawaii)
I'm having my kava and I'm thinking "Buckley Cough
Syrup" is delicious compared to kava: It tastes bad and it works! I'm looking
at the bowl and I'm afraid to drink. I feel like someone who has to jump out of
a plane to skydive. I know it's going to be a thrill but it's just against my
instincts. As usual I was able to find the courage, said Bula! And drank my bowl
and made the Hawaiian Warrior face!
As the nice feeling kicks in I bring
my hands to my hair to replace my hair clip. I had a red flower attached to it.
Where does this flower come from? And then I remember it must have got caught
this morning as I was watering and removing the buds from the hanging flowers!
I spent the whole day without knowing I had a flower in my hair! I even went for
a walk around the block. Talk about aloha!
Tongan Kava (in Bromont, Qc, Canada)
is the third batch I make this year of my favorite kava which is from Tonga. This
time I put a bit more powder and a bit less liquid to make a stronger brew. It
definitely tastes stronger than usual but I still prefer it to any other kava
I've tried so far. The instructions on the bag say to put 1Tbsp per cup of water
and I put 1.5 Tbsp per 200ml. I am sipping this one. I put 80ml of liquid
in my coconut shell. My tongue is starting to feel numb. My eyes feel numb as
well. Slowly I feel kind of drunk and all relaxed. Time seems to stop. The colors
of the trees out my window seem brighter.
I'm thinking if more hippies
drank kava in the sixties, less would have died from overdoses or from jumping
off of bridges and building while on LSD. Kava is all about peace, love, joy and
contentment. And the beauty of it is that the "High" doesn't last more than a
couple of hours. You definitely feel relaxed for longer though.
I'm not
sure now how much I ingested but I think I still have half of what I made left.
I feel like I've had enough for today and will save the rest in the fridge for
tomorrow. It'll be nice and cold. Starwest
Botanicals Fiji Kava (in Bromont, Qc, Canada)
We finally received our kava we ordered from Starwest Botanicals. It came
in a reasonable sized box with recycled and recyclable mini inflated bags. Neat!
Their kava comes in a sealed opaque zipper bag. We make a point of trying all
the kava we promote because we have principles. I actually got a phone call from
Leah at Starwest right after the package came in and she told me that unfortunately
she wasn’t able to find out what variety of kava they sell. Well, it doesn’t matter
that much since I can tell you it is very good stuff! It smells and tastes a little
like the Tongan kava but is much darker in color which is sort of a chocolaty
brown. It has a light and smooth taste. It is a very good value. They get our
Seal of Approval! I tried a light version just in case it wouldn’t make me feel
good, i.e. nauseous or give me a headache. There was a Pepto Bismol ad on my Yahoo
page saying I was covered! Great! No need for Pepto Bismol though. This kava is
good, and if it’s a blend, it is a well balanced one. We definitely highly recommend
it. Try Starwest Botanical Fijian kava today!
Botanicals have been in business for a long time. They offer an excellent
service. Their kava from Fiji is very potent and almost has no side effect. It
is very dark yet has a smooth taste. They have so many interesting products you
won’t know where to start. Start with the kava, and then add some other items
to your order. Buy yourself something special along with your kava… you deserve
We'd love to hear from you! How do you enjoy your Kava? Contact
us by email. |
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